THE CLAN FU NEWS: (Updated Daily).
New Clan Fu Forum:
The Founding Fathers of Clan Fu: GhoSTMaN-Fu- and FoOk-u-Fu- in the year 2001 --->
Ghostman-fu- is finally back in Clan Fu and reigning Chiefton of the Clan Fu channel, as 2pacolpz15-fu- holds a shaman for warcraft II members.
The BNE Leader is LordYamon-Fu- as the PBall Leader is 2pacolpz15-fu-
Our warcraft III clan being led by GhostmaN-Fu- is growing rapidly currently ranks #1 in the Warcraft III map Hero Line Wars, while our Warcraft II clan is growing rapidly as well being led by 2pacolpz15-fu- and LordYamon-Fu-.
Infection-fu- has gone inactive as he is working out his computer problems, we wait for him to return, currently he keeps his name loaded in the Clan Fu channel.
2pacolpz15-fu- is still active and is the longest reigning -Fu- leader, also has the most games played on an -Fu- Tag. He is currently the #1 60men player on Warcraft II and one of the Top Ranking Pballers.
It is said that 2pacolpz15-fu- is to Retire his name at 5000 Wins and is going to be useing his girlfriends account: HoOcHiE-Fu- out of respect.
After Retirement, the 2pacolpz15-fu- name will be the new Designated Operator Bot in the Clan -Fu- Channel.
InFecTioN-Fu- holds the #1 Ladder on all of Warcraft II as MaStArChA-Fu- holds the #1 Ironman.
Pirate-Fu- has gone inactive for alittle while as we wait for his return.
LordYamon-fu- is currently holding BNE classes, check out our new forum for more info.
Clan -Fu- is currently located on USEast in the channel: Clan Fu and as of late 2008 Clan Fu is back together!
Clan Fu is currently gameing on Warcraft II and Warcraft III, Overall we are a very active clan with a lot of members and are always looking for more, tryouts are given when asked.
Our previous channels have been: Clan xFUx and Clan oFUo.
a previous tag created in 2004 was: oF)namehere(Uo but of course went back to the classic -Fu- tag.
The Classic Fu Websites:
The Original Clan Fu website: (2001-2004) Made by GHoStMaN-Fu- and FoOk-u-Fu-, Edited by 2pacolpz15-fu- and Infection-fu-
The next Fu website: (2004-2005) Made by 2pacolpz15-fu-
The Next Fu Website: (2005-2006) Made by Mastarcha-fu-
Fu was Disbanned in 2006 and finally at the end of 2008... Clan Fu is back:
Updated Fu Website: (2008-Present) Made by 2pacolpz15-fu- and DaRkN1GGa-Fu- aka: i_WaNt_tO-Fu-
From the -Fu- Story: Samurai-fu- says: "-Fu- has been the best clan for me, and if u havent already joined a clan, i recommend this very active and friendly clan. Those who have already joined, its one of the best decisions you've made."
currently we have no Allies and No enemies